Very Happy New Year French

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Very happy new year french. As we begin 200 4 I wish you and your families and thos e clos e to you a Very Happy New Year. Lannée 2 00 4 je vous souhaite à vous à vos familles et à vos proches une très heureuse Année. Fille - nf On dira la fille ou une fille.
Bonnes fêtes de fin dannée. Merry Christmas and happy new year. W e wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
The AB team wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. La santé lamour et le bonheur. Another very common way of wishing someone a happy birthday in French is to say.
Translation English - French Collins Dictionary. Typical New Years Greetings in French. We wish you a very happy new year 201 1.