How To Say Merry Christmas And Happy New Year In Russian

C наступающим Новым годом.
How to say merry christmas and happy new year in russian. Pust é-tat val-shéb-nyî prázd-neek na-pól-neet vá-shu zheezn svyé-tam tep-lóm rá-dast-yu ee bla-ga-pa-lú-chee-yem. The second word is pronounced simply as yuul. That means With upcoming holiday.
Informal Приходите к нам завтра у нас вечеринка. Come to us tomorrow we have a party. Should you want any other meaningful winter holiday phrases in Norwegian here are some more common ones to help you by.
Let this magical holiday fill your life with light warmth joy and prosperity. S razh-deest-vóm hris-tó-vym. Ha en flott juleferie Have a great winter vacation.
2021-11-04 edited 2021-12-03. Mele Kalikimaka me ka Makahiki Hou Edit. S prà-znee-kam happy holiday.